It is through the small things we do that we learn, not the big things

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Take a time out

Here we are at another time of the year to allows us a momentary slowdown in our franctic race of life.

Have you ever taken a time out? Whether health reasons, lack of work, a sabbatical year or just for vacation? You know, when your life calms down and you stop to run.

We feel disoriented, because we used to live life at full speed: "metro, boulot, dodo". And suddenly, we finally have time to think. What to do with all this this time?

More and more people are tired, stressed and have health problems. Why? Perhaps because they does not give themselves the right to say no. We always do more! We forget ourselves. We think less of ourselves. It is a wheel running and we can no longer find our own balance.

Why not taking the time to challenge our lifestyle, our values and most importantly, our own needs? Take the time to ask the following questions: What do I need to have a happy life? What means do I take to reach
my goals? In what direction am I called to forward?

It is essential to appreciate all that you do, take time for yourself to determine what you aspire and above all, listen to your inner voice. It is often the way to find answers to your questions. Let the answers coming in naturally, It might surprise you.

It is a privilege to take a pause to take a look to his life. I wish this break to you, so you can put your life on the road you have chosen. Appreciate every moment of your life (one at a time) and you will see at the end of your day, you will be less tired and you will be much happier. You have finally taken advantage of your time.

Enjoy this time of year to look around you and find what is really important, what makes you pleasure and with whom you enjoy doing activities, implement projects and have a good time. Be generous with yourself, dare to allow true rest time.

Do you pause in your life? If yes, Share with us what you do.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Do you feel your life is in a dead end ?

Exactly as several people feel some times. Usually it's when all areas of life seem to tumble in the wrong direction 
(business, love, family and financial).

How to cope?
In such a moment, it seems that everything we do leads to disaster, and yet we often feel and belief that everything is in place to succeed. How is this possible?

Why, or rather what to do?
We must continue to fight and keep a positive attitude and continue with confidence to do everything as possible, regardless of the situation and the feeling of failure that you could have. Often things start to fall into place at the time you do not expect it anymore.

Life is very short and filled with most unexpected situations, don't let those events and  negative people control those precious moments. Whenever possible, avoid everything that is negative, as the discussions, people,
images, music and environments that do not allow to be in a state of contemplation and pleasure.

Approach difficult situations one by one, calmly and consider each situation as a unique challenge. Especially do not put all situations together, otherwise there is a good chance that you will not be able to see light at the end of tunnel. Take action on situations independently one of the other, is much more efficient and less stressful.

Freedom of mind and action is what is most coveted in the world. Being free to succeed on all aspects of his life is truly an exciting challenge, although very difficult to achieve. Whatever the outcome, game worth it, the quest for freedom is a good challenge to learn every day and especially to understand that freedom can never be taken for granted in this world.

How do you approach the difficult times in the where you feel you are in a dead end?

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How-tos for coping with the stress of obnoxious people deal with it

Not all stress is bad and there are ways to deal with thoses obnoxious clients and co-workers.

Stress is healthy response that requires an emotional, physical or mental response. It can be a motivator and doesn’t have to be just a “negative”. But there are unhealthy ways of reacting to stress which include ignoring it, blaming others or becoming aggressive, unhappy or angry.

Stress on the job can be created by situations ranging from organizational change and ever-changer goals, to job insecurity and the constant mantra of “doing more with less”. To counteract this, attempt to articulate or obtain clarity about roles, responsibilities, authority and deadlines.

Like our spouse, bosses and co-workers all have different personalities and take the influences of home to the job. So understand where they are coming from is important. A little empathy with co-worker who has been up all night with a sick child goes a long way to understanding their mood and ability to do the job that day. “They have life outside their jobs”.

Also, understanding the style of person’s management approach gives you insight into what is expected and which colleagues “play games” and how to avoid getting drawn in.

Here is a list of practical solutions to deal with stress:
  • Establish goals that are specific, measurable and achievable;
  • Write these down and identify short and long-term goals;
  • Divide the individual goals into “chuncks” so that they can be worked on bits at a time;
  • Set priorities;
  • Practice the 4 Ds: dump, do, delegate and delay;
  • Focus on time and nutrition so that you are at your physical and mental best to deal with stress;
  • Use a buddy system to keep motivated;
  • Employ strategic relaxation techniques like “me time” for reading, meditating, a walk, etc.
Use physical techniques like squeezing and releasing your hand when a customer, co-worker or boss is stressing you out, rather than retaliating. Another technique is to hold your breath and press both sides of your neck, which actually lowers your heart rate. Consciously change your negative thoughts into positive ones to build self esteem, focusing on achievements and increasing your productivity.

If someone is arguing, don’t match their volume level. Speaking calmly will alter their behavior as they tone down to match yours. Turn an argument into a conversation. Strive for realism not perfection.

Say “no” when you know you can’t add one more thing to your plate rather than offering “I’ll try” and not delivering. Acknowledge you will make mistakes. Judge your “own” behavior. Communicate clearly. Ask for help and take it.

Dealing with difficult behaviors requires understanding that “your office is a microcosm of the world” where there will be confrontation, arguments, needy-emotional people, bullying and those using passive/aggressive styles to get their own way.

So when you need to interact, be prepared to admit when you’re wrong; smile before starting the conversation; and check your stance and distance to the person so that your body language is not sending out wrong message.

Restate that the issue of discussion is to make sure both of you are on the same page and acknowledge the feelings and emotions of others. Beware of your reactions to others because you can control those 100% of the time.

How do you cope with those situations?

Monday, December 21, 2009

Play outside this winter

In the promise to build a fort or a battle of snowballs, children do not hesitate to brave the cold and deep snow. What do you expect? Come out and be active with them! You'll be warmer outside being active and walking a bit. Neither you nor your children do not need to sweat to make physical activity. "Walking is good for the hearts of all ages and is an excellent habit to adopt as a child, walking activates the heart and muscles of children. "

Start to see winter as a winter wonderland, like when you were a child. Instead of taking children from their friends, school or park, walk with them. Resolve to use your car only when absolutely necessary. In addition, you will help reduce air pollution, another boon for the heart. When children and parents choose to walk instead of using the car, they engage in physical activity whose heart needs. These steps also teach us how easy it is to reduce air pollution that harms the health of the heart and is often caused by the use of the car when we could walk. "

Here are eight fun ways for you and your child to spend time walking this winter:

  1. Join a guided bird winter. You will see many interesting birds such as chickadees, cardinals and snowy owls. What a great opportunity to learn about the nature and practice an activity outside;
  2. Encourage greater to offer their services to dog walkers to your friends and neighbors. They could earn pocket money while practicing a refreshing activity;
  3. Instead of going by car, then walk to the park to slide or skate with your child;
  4. Organize a treasure hunt in a local park or even in your yard. Try to find and identify animal tracks and various species of trees;
  5. Accompany children to school by walk. Ten minutes walk in the morning you will start the day off right. If you live far from school, park the car a mile or two and walk the rest of the way;
  6. Create an obstacle course in your backyard. Build barriers to climb over with snowballs and mark the ground with a spray bottle filled with colored water to create a fun trail run and make your children;
  7. Make a contest for the biggest snowball. Start by forming a ball in your hand, then pushing on the ground until it is too heavy to be moved;
  8. Draw your own tracks in the snow. It's always fun to watch the tracks in the snow. At the local library, you could find a book on animal tracks. Then let your kids recreate these tracks using spoons, cups and other household items on your lawn snow.
Warm yourself by being active
It is especially important for children to stay warm and being dry while playing outside in winter. Dress your children in skins so they can remove them if they were too hot. Gloves or mittens are essential impervious to play outside in the winter. If your children have only knit mittens, make sure they have a spare pair if they get wet before children have finished playing.

Remember not to play outside for too long when the wind chill down to -28 ° C or lower. According to Environment Canada, the skin can suffer frostbite after 10 to 30 minutes of exposure to these temperatures. Strong winds affect the body's ability to retain warmth, even if only -10 ° C outside, your body reacts as if it were twice as cold. These conditions increase the risk of frostbite. But as long as the children keep their nose, ears and fingers covered, physical activity outside help them stay warm and happy.

Walking, great habit of life
The simple activities such as daily walking is a great way to teach your children the importance of physical activity. When you engage in physical activity instead of just talking about it, you give a good example by incorporating physical activity into your daily routine and this for a lifetime. "If good habits are learned early, it is hoped that children who become adults walk that walk. "

Beware of the winter blues
In winter, in our latitudes, is not an easy season for anyone. The weather is dreary, days spin like the wind, it's cold and exits to the outside gradually decrease and eventually cease altogether (at least here in Quebec).

There are several reasons for this change of conduct on the part of humans. Like many animal species, humans are susceptible to seasonal variations in the intensity of light. Many people experience sudden mood changes, concentration problems or have difficulty getting up in the morning. When these changes occur in autumn or winter, the syndrome is called the "winter blues".

We know of course that this may be a little cold outside in winter, but the best (and only) way to overcome this cold is to face going out to play! In the land of sun, winter is certainly no time to hibernate, rather, it's time you wrap up and enjoy the wilderness differently. These are not activities that are lacking elsewhere.

The benefits to the children to play outside
Let them go play outside, without specific purpose and to what they want without being forced to anything, this seems to fail our children. One of the direct consequences of this outdoor activity is not overweight observed in children is increasingly common. When we play outside, you're not watching television, playing console games or computer.

Playing outside is good for muscles, for sure, but it is also expending energy and reduce the tendency to obesity that affects more and more children who are too sedentary. On a psychological level, a child playing outside with other children without being dictated rules of the game will develop many skills extremely important: he learns to imagine a game to explain to his peers or the understanding, increase their social skills, to deal with other personalities, other desires, to organize, to enjoy relationships, to create links. Playing this way seems to reduce anxiety, insomnia and aggressiveness.

What are you doing this winter to enjoy the gift of heaven?
Tell us what you do for fun and enjoy the white carpet and joys of lakes and icy rivers that surround us?

Friday, December 18, 2009

The reading and its magic

The beauty with this is that reading involves instantly imagination and concentration. Moreover, the intellectual effort required for reading have a tremendous boon to health. Obviously when I say reading, I mean reading things that bring you joy, motivation, fun and useful knowledge, I am not talking about negative and destructive reading .

That is to said, when you begin to read, your thoughts is focused on what you read, so generally most people stop thinking about their problems because they occupied their mind to read, understand and assimilate information. This ensures that the reader reduces the stress level throughout the reading. Moreover, it often happens that some readings give you ideas to solve problems, to make your life easier and to help you in your projects. When this type of positive feeling invaded you, the result is super positive for your health.

The best way to grow their vocabulary and improve how to express themselves
Of course, you can not ignore the fact that reading allows the reader to increase your vocabulary quickly and easily. This is very important for most people. The fact is reading involved seeing the words, as result to store the image of the word into your brain . When you see a word often enough, you eventually absorb it well and added to your mental dictionary.

Obviously, when adding words to your mental vocabulary, it enriches the way to speak and to be understood. However, improvement in the way of speaking is also the fact that the reading is liable to the fact that sentence structures are different from yours. You will absorb it slowly with examples that influence how you will write, describe and explain your ideas.

Reading to Children - A priceless gift
For parents who have children who are not old enough to read, there is no greater gift than to read to their little ones. When you are reading to your children, you should know that for them it is not trivial. You bring them in an imaginary world they can only be built by the power of words that you send them. You made them dream at the same time as you teach them to use words and how to express emotions clearly.

Do not underestimate the power of reading to your kids, the benefits in the longer term are incredibly positive for all aspects of their lives.

Caution and little useful advice
It is not necessary to put too much time on reading to get maximize the benefits. Read 15 minutes a day and you will see the positive effect in your life. If you try to do too much, its like anything, you cease to do so because it will be too demanding and it becomes a chore instead of a beneficial pleasure .

For people who find it difficult to take time to read, you can cut the 15 minutes into 3 blocks if you want. The most important thing is to be consistent and to read things that give you pleasure and that catches your attention.

Tell me if reading is a pleasure, a chore or an obligation? What have been the benefit for you to get the habit to read ?

Thursday, December 17, 2009

To devote time in his life

Allowing time for yourself, the beautiful promise! Between your family, work, social life, your love and your many concerns, how much spare time do you have to yourself to do something that pleases you and makes you good, but without feeling guilty? How to say "no" to others and to say "yes" to ourself?

In today's society it is not difficult to be invaded by the countless distractions and the many obligations of all kinds. This life is so hectic that in many cases we forget to think about ourself. It is too easily buried in the countless activities without even realizing it.

Yet we all know it is very important to think about ourselves, not to get caught up in the game of being too busy.How is it possible not to pay more attention to yourself? Yet we all know that we are the most important person in our lives.

The challenge is to strike a balance between time spent on our too many commitments and our personal needs. Quite a challenge, I admit it! There is no blueprint that would suit all. The way to achieve this balance is unique to each person, because every life context is different.

To give time for yourself and say no to external demands is a process filled with many pitfalls. We have great difficulty in agreeing the right to place ourselves at the center of our priorities.

For example, for mothers of young children is a particularly demanding challenge! The fact remains that it is your responsibility to identify your needs and fill them without waiting for permission and approval of your surroundings.

Easy to say and difficult to do because of guilt. Your children will not fare worse if two evenings a week, dad is taking care of bathroom and sunsets while the mother goes to her aerobics classes. In fact, they will be better, even if they are reluctant at first. Give them an example of a mother and a wife who takes care of her. Remember that often the most pressure comes from yourself and not others.

To ease your busy schedule, it is likely that you need to remove something. To get there more easily, looking to pursue an activity you like. The activities they really love more easily become a priority as they consider a chore.

To do this, do not hesitate to try different activities until you find one you lit. Also, it is good to go slowly for you tame and you gradually escape from the guilt you into realizing that the consequences for others are less difficult than you apprehend.

How will you really spend time in your life? What are the things that interest you and are really very beneficial for you?

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Dare to get excited

In life you must dare to play, you must dare to get excited for the things you love, your passion and your hobby. You must get excited over an idea, project or an upcoming event. You must indulge your enthusiasm for what you enjoy, what projected you to a positive feeling and a feeling of joy.

You have an idea for a project you want to realize, a dream, do not hesitate to put all your enthusiasm and daring to optimistically anticipate the success and growth . Don't let down this feeling of excitement that overwhelmed you when you make your projections, do stop to pretend that you are "realistic", while this is not the case at all.

For a project to reach its full potential requires that the person who carries out is truly excited about this project. To accept that you pass through the challenges to succeed, it is necessary that your project is almost an obsession, an obsession that helps you excel and give you the energy to finish the project.

Do not let your environment dictate your life, your dreams and your ways. People who are able to understand what you are experiencing as a desire to succeed in your project, are those in the same boat as you or who have gone through the same challenges to realize their projects. They get excited daring, fantasize about the results and benefits of success.

Do not try to change the mind of those who have a negative view of your idea, whatever you do, they will always be negative, even if you succeed. Continue to be excited about your idea and you will have the support of those as you dare get excited over an idea and put the effort to try to achieve.

The benefits for mental and physical health are unexplainable, but practical. When we are happy and excited that our thoughts are directed towards interesting, positive and useful actions, we soon forget his little injuries and small mishaps, because we are fully invested in an activity that really interests us.

Do you get excited for your ideas for your projects? Tell us how you dare to dream in color and express your state of happiness.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The benefits of music

Music is not just there to be heard, it is much more than that. Music can move us, make us think of anecdotes and more. It would even virtues health. Studies have indeed shown that music acts instantly on our physical and mental well-being.

The Mozart effect, this study began in 1992 in the United States in the Central Laboratory of Neurophysiology of Learning and Memory at the University of Wisconsin. It showed that after ten minutes of listening to a piano sonata by Mozart, our potential for reasoning and concentration increases of 50% for a few moments. Since this experience, studies have succeeded.

Thanks to these studies, we discovered that the goods made from music are varied. For example, the music produces more endorphins, which are the "molecules of happiness." But this is not all, it regulates heartbeat and blood, stabilizes the physical endurance and increases it and it also restores language functions for a brain damaged. No need to take tranquilizers, listen to music.

Music affects our mood. Some sounds, tones and rhythms, especially the music of Mozart, Gregorian chant music and some jazz, some Latin pieces, folk and even rock, could in fact increase our intelligence, our creativity and miraculously heal our bodies. This remarkable phenomenon is called "Mozart effect".

Another benefit of music: it improves memory!
It can provide result not only by listening, but by practice it. This is the conclusion of several Chinese researchers. After following students who took piano lessons, they showed that these students had higher scores on cognitive tests. Their memory was more efficient, they learned words more easily and more restrained.

Furthermore, participation in musical activity improves self-discipline, dexterity, coordination, self-esteem, listening skills and creativity as well as personal expression in general.

Even doctors are discovering the benefits of music
The new trend in operating rooms, is to listen to music during operations, this practice has become quite popular in the United States and the United Kingdom. Some doctors believe that it relieves tension and studies have shown that this practice may also benefit to patients.

The anesthesiologist, Dr. Frank Gentile in the United States believes that music helps to make better surgeons. They work faster because they are in a better mood. The atmosphere in the operating room can work calmly and allows the team to feel better during operations.

The music helps patients relax
Research has even shown that patients who listened to music before and during surgery showed that they diminish their stress. Blood pressure normally increases during surgery, but listening to music helps to reduce the blood pressure.

The researchers found that the best results are obtained when the patient listen to music of their choice rather than music considered soothing. Thus, it seems that listening to relaxing music does not apply only to doctors, but also to patients.

What is music therapy?
Music therapy is a component of art therapy.

It is a judicious use of music as a basic therapeutic tool to restore, maintain or improve mental health, physical and emotional of a person.

It follows from the interaction between patient and music therapist. Speaking of music therapy is about communication.

The music therapist who works in the field of nonverbal, seeks to achieve the emotional sphere of the person, to open channels of communications, using sound stimuli, an emotional pleasant state, comforting or disturbing, enabling openness to self and others, can help fight against some pain, some discomfort.

Nowadays, music therapy is the subject of extensive scientific work that allowed to take place in many Centers Hospital as supplementary or therapeutic in itself.

In conclusion
No matter under what circumstances, the music has beneficial effects that really look deep within our emotions. Whether the effect is conscious or unconscious, the result is the same, the music gives us a unique wellness and healing.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Public Speaking - The biggest fear of people

Make an oral presentation to the school, speaking in public when receiving an award, presenting a guest at a party, playing in a play, whatever, for most people to face an audience is the most intimidating experiment to live.

Why is it so difficult to expose himself to a group as a speaker? Probably the first thing that comes to mind is the fact that everyone is going to judge what you seem, to judge you on your dress, your hair, on how you stand, gesticulating, the way you speak and finally, everything that may pass through your head and why you do not like being judged.

Rest assured, people act the way you do when you hear someone make a presentation to a group. Do you judge other speakers on one or more of the elements I just mentioned? Probably yes!

I did not helped you, I confirm what you feared most. However, if the person who was at the forefront managed to get its message across the audience and yourself, I'm sure you've remenber the message and you forgot all these little judgments you had on that person during his presentation.

When a person present the content in an interesting way, most people remember the message, not the faults of the speaker. So, the more important when you face an audience is to make sure your message is interesting and you put the emphasis on the critical thing and you will have the attention of your audience.

But how to successfully not forget all the content of your performance before the presentation? You practice relentlessly, when comes the day of the presentation you have forgotten everything and you do not know how to control your nervousness. As you know, this feeling of fear is well-known from the community of artists. How do they succeed in controlling this stress to avoid any mention during the show?

There is no magic formula, but there is one thing in common with all those super nervous people before appearing in public, to perform well. Firstly, they are well prepared and know their texts by heart, then they are convinced that people in the audience will appreciate what they see and hear.

They never doubt the intelligence and good judgement from the audience and this allows people who make presentations to an audience to feel confident to present the content with enthusiasm and conviction.

You must be confident that your audience is on your side and he is concerned about what you have to say, otherwise you will have a hard time to feel good and perform well in front of an audience.

If you have other tricks to control that fear of public speaking, be generous and help us in this unique life experience by sharing your methods.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Do not let others decide for you

Many people are struggling to live their lives according to their beliefs and their desires. Too often people organize their lives avoiding to not displease their families, their friends and in some cases their children.

If your life is organized around these obligations, you must surely feel a huge weight on your shoulders and above all you probably find that life is very demanding. Understand the influence of others can affect all areas of your life. If you let the influence of others affect your choices and decisions, it is almost certain that in most cases you will not act according to your values, your desires and your aspirations.

The negative effects to please everyone is devastating to your self-esteem, devastating to the achievement of your personal projects, your personal development and the fulfillment of your dreams. If you prevent yourself to achieve your dreams because of public opinion and influence of others, what motivates you to get up each morning?

I do not mean to dismiss anything other say, I'm proposing to simply make your choice based on your beliefs, your values, your desires, your abilities and your dreams. When you've made your choice, there will certainly be people who will disagree with your choices and that's normal. All you have to do is to calmly explain why you do it and if he does not respect your choices and decisions is no longer your problem, anyway how can he stop you since you're the person who controls your decisions.

For people who decide to reject the whole crowd of negative influences, they must be careful not to fall into the trap of insolence, arrogance and contempt. Maybe you decided not to attend them, but this is not a reason not to respect their differences.

Whatever you do in life, there is always someone to tell you that you have not made the right choice or that your ideas are inadequate. Listen to your heart and your mind and live life according to you, while respecting others. It is not always easy for others to accept the fact that you live according to your choice and not based on what they want you to do or to be. At some point it will eventually let go and accept your way of life. The time always ends by overcoming the most stubborn.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

A festive atmosphere to make us dream

With all this beautiful snow, this is a beautiful holidays preamble. The brightness created by the reflection of light on the snow is very good for the morale. You feel the energy up and the enthusiasm of this festive season and multiple encounters you will probably experienced.

No matter how you decide to use this period of joy and generosity, the most important is to have fun like crazy and find the heart of a child who marvels at the window of Ogilvy on St-Catherine street in Montreal, before the ice sculptures at carnival of Quebec and before the colorful decorations around the world.

This white coat that buried Quebec allows us to go outside and play like kids, make castles surviving only the time of a storm and building snowmen that reminds us that this period of the season is one to get closer to each other.

The madness of the holidays is a gentle madness that deserves to be lived fully and must be fully enjoyed. For once everyone agrees on being patient, generous, kind and helpful, we must enjoy and appreciate the fact that human beings are capable of love and compassion.

Of course, the winter lose its charm after a number of weeks, but most important is to enjoy the present moment, the holiday spirit, the peacefully spirit influenced by this white snow and this time of celebration incredibly pleasant.

Imagine yourself after a day spent playing outside, you run around in the snow, skiing, skating, ball fighting in snow or whatever, when you return indoors, you will wrapp yourself in a beautiful blanket with warm hot chocolate and watch a movie to finally fall asleep like children who have given everything to enjoy this beautiful winter day

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Having a positive attitude

The following steps are a summary of what many see as a motivational recipe for achieving its objectives and realize their dreams. I am convinced that these steps are really useful and essential, but a good dose of sweat and determination must accompany these lessons.

As you select what you want, these steps are very useful and will give you results that can improve your life.

To get something, you must first have dreamed and desired it.

This is what all the great inventors creative genius have done. It should nevertheless be more difficult to create his life than to create an airplane, a submarine, a rocket or a parachute. And you know that Leonardo da Vinci and Jules Verne, to name only the best known, both have started to dream and imagine inventions that would emerge long after their death.

Dream your life is not enough. The next step is to write in detail everything you want. As you will note the list of your commissions for the supermarket, it is a command that you pass to the universe, that is to say to yourself and your subconscious somehow. And the more your "letter" will be clear and precise (dates, descriptions, etc..) more easily you get what you want. This step is essential as you will do it by writing you will do well at THIS to say to see the results materialize.

Once you've written what you require, as if you've already got, you will think about it often. And the best way is to read and reread this "letter" you sent in your universe (your subconscious). Note that only repetition can assure you of the result, as if your thoughts repeated over days, weeks and months turned into the path way and the road and finally highway leading to the goal.

The thought does not suffice, you have to involve visualization to strengthen everything you've done before. Each time you reread what you want, visualize yourself obtaining the result. To see yourself rich, is to see you smile and having the home of your dreams, perhaps realizing another dream, probably helping your family. Itemize your display in the result and not the means to achieve it.

Imagine, think, view, all that is necessary, but not sufficient. If you REALLY want to get the life you want and thus create your life, I invite you to FEEL IT, that is to say, just to get the feelings, emotions that will be yours once the outcome happen. Feel the joy you will overrun, a sense of security or love will invade you. Feel your pride of having already succeeded. FEEL your body in your recovery and / or your happiness. Be prepared to leap with joy and gratitude!

When you've imagined, conceived, visualized and feel, you must still act as if you had already got what you want. (No signing checks or stopping to take your medical treatment of course!)

Act as if you had already achieved the desired result is to behave as if, therefore, with the same joy, the same serenity, the same kindness, etc. All the acts that you ask. This means that you will now SMILE to others and stop complaining, of course, walk with confidence towards success.

This naturally leads you to be positive and enthusiastic. You will feel very confident that everything you wish for you (do not mix with others that create your life) will come true and is already under protest, even if you do not see it yet. Like the peasant rejoices in winter wheat that will inevitably emerge, grow and give abundant as the grain sown in the fall!

This enthusiasm and positivity, this assurance that everything is being set up in your best interests give you serenity and joy are immediate and excellent success factors of your life!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Learn to appreciate your life on a daily base

With so many responsibilities incumbent upon us, it is not always easy to take time and enjoy life on a daily base. Obviously this is not always easy to do when we have to combine work, children, family, family activities and many other things coming in from time to time.

You really have to learn to share things between what is truly important and what is not. Enjoying life is definitely a daily activity greatly neglected. Of course, we all face challenges more or less large and not always easy to achieve with  joy and optimism. However, we must learn to put things in perspective, we must stop dramatize situations that do not put our life in danger.

As our survival does not depend on our skills as a hunter and fisherman challenges of our survival are not really risky and do not put our lives in danger. So we must put things in perspective and have a more positive approach and especially to clearly identify what the real risks to our quality of life and our future projects are.

With the holidays upon us, what a beautiful time to enjoy life with people around us and the opportunities for fun, have fun and enjoy life. I do not mean to see life as a dream, I just want to put emphasis on the fact that there are many things that are really positive in many areas of your life.
Typically, the holiday season makes people more tolerant, more generous and less intransigent. This change in attitude is great and encourages people to be more attentive to the other, resulting in a substantial increase in assistance and compassion. Be more tolerant with yourself and stop blaming yourself for your mistakes and your bad decisions. Accept your bad decisions and let those mistakes in the past and be generous with yourself.

You are a very important person too many people and it is important not to underestimate the positive influence you have on many people. Understand that if these people believe that you are really an important person and if you have some respect for these people, you should do as these people and feel that you are really an important person.

If your life is really difficult right now, express yourself, tell someone you trust, empty your brain through your problems on a sheet of paper, make room in your brain for good things that happen in your life. Take Action for not staying in your depression, your anxiety and that feeling of isolation.
If you have any tips and recipes to help others enjoy life despite difficult challenges of life, let us know.

Monday, December 7, 2009

A beautiful celebration of the centennial of the Montreal Canadien

It's already quite a few years that I am not anymore interested in professional team sports, but I really wanted to attend this special celebration that has thrilled my heart in a beautiful way.

A did have a nice feeling of nostalgia to remind me that this team has represented the French Canadian or Quebecois (depending on your political beliefs) we are. The team that made us dream when we were little boy.

To look at these legends that when they were active players gave themselves body and soul to their sport that was their way to express their personalities and the people they represented. At that time we could feel that they played with passion and conviction and that's what positively affected us with through emotions.

The ceremony was simple and at the image of people who took part of it. Emotion and  recognition where honored throughout the ceremony and this has always been the class of this unique team in the world of sport.

The Montreal Canadiens were one of the greatest achievements of successful French Canadians until the late 70s. Since then we've succeeded as a distinct people to get several other highly successful in the business world, in countless cultural achievements and several discoveries in many of the technological world.

I am not someone who likes to return to the past because life happens going forward, but when attending an event like this with all those winners and passionate people on the same platform, it is difficult not to understand that success is a history of heart and work.

Thank you to this incredible organization and all those guys who give us those beautiful moments that made me dream so often.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Local purchase

A topic that has made headlines for quite some time to support the local economy which is now part of the strategy to combat global warming. The major advantages of local purchases far exceed what we presented in the media.

Meanwhile, you must know that 80% of jobs in Quebec are from businesses with fewer than 50 employees. These jobs range from high-tech jobs to handlers one. Never forget that all these jobs are the result of local entrepreneurs who have put action behind their dreams.

The impact on local economy

The financial impacts in regions that have the privilege of having many small businesses is very important and especially promotes stability that are not in areas in which jobs are mainly depending on a large company.

Moreover, in general, local entrepreneurs are more involved in communities than large firms. The impact of these companies is real on the regional festivities, to support education, summer employment for students and to help the poor.

The environmental impacts

When to go to work you have 5 to 10 minutes of traveling, it is obvious that you are a smaller polluter than the person who has a time traveling much longer as in large urban centers.

Moreover, when products and services provided by local businesses are consumed in the region, the environmental impact is greatly reduced. In a slightly broader avoided consuming products from elsewhere and consume local products, the positive impacts on the environment are considerable. When you buy product from elsewhere, there is an important negative impact on the environment, its undoubtedly the pollution generated by the excessive transportation of these products.

The impact on your quality of life

For all those working in these companies, the impact on quality of life is very important. The most important of these impacts is undoubtedly time to transportation to go and to come back from work. All those who have the privilege of traveling just to get to work, increased significantly free time to care for your families, for recreation and social assistance in the community.

In conclusion

Seriously consider local purchases in the way you buy. Never forget the successful local business such as METRO, Bombardier, Cascades, RONA, Saputto, CGI and other large companies in the world came from a dream and action by a local entrepreneur. If you think you save by going to the Wallmart of this world, never forget that these companies provide mostly small jobs with little wages that do not promote local purchases, or very little.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Purchases of the holidays

How can we spend a beautiful holiday season without spending unnecessarily? The question to ask might be more; what do you want to celebrate during this festive period?

For the small one, Christmas time is intimately connected to the last day, the day to open those gifts and it is quite normal. The frenzy of social activities is not what excite them and that's good.

For the others the holiday season has several meanings. For grandparents it's basically a good opportunity to find his whole world at the same time and see them in joy and gladness.

For parents with young children, the holiday season is a lot more Rock & Roll. It is not easy to escape from work, childcare, purchasing gifts, the office party, dinner with friends and preparing receptions.

Finally, the ultimate question is it necessary to give gifts to everyone?

Do you buy gifts to please others, not to look "cheap", because you've always done that just because you love all the excitement of seeing others open gifts ?

There are no right or wrong answers, you must be totally comfortable with your decision and do not act according to the opinion of others. In addition, you should seriously act on your ability to pay. Obviously, if you're going into debt to buy gifts, it is plain and clear that you should not do so. I do not think that people who receive these gifts would be pleased to hear that you have incurred a debt to buy the gift.

Never forget that the first and most important gift is your presence, your love and your friendship. What we love the most during these festivities is to see her whole world to see and discuss, exchange and have fun together.

Finally, if you want to give the best gift to someone, give some time to a cause of mutual assistance. These needy people are in dire need of help, support, encouragement and desperately seeking a glimmer of hope to get of their situation and that is what may be the best gift that you will succeed in giving to a person. Think about it!

Do not spoil the holidays by spending your money without counting. Make clear what is really important to you and enjoy this time of year to distribute your love and appreciation.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Why you have to move more ?

Moving more can allow each of us to improve the quality of life. Physical activity helps to reduce the risk of certain diseases, improve our fitness and our shaped.

It is a source of well-being, and can help us live better life, to grow well and stay physically more independent with age, coupled with a balanced diet, physical activity builds and strengthens every day health.

And do dream to much, you won't become an athlete overnight, just be physically active every day is enough. This is why it is recommended to perform the equivalent of at least 30 minutes of brisk walking per day (or 1 hour for children).

Protecting your health

Scientific studies confirm a varied and balanced diet combined with regular physical activity help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, type II diabetes, cholesterol and certain cancers.

It also allows us to limit weight gain. The practice of regular physical activity is also associated with greater psychological well-being and improved stress tolerance. A balanced diet and physical activity are complementary and inseparable. To take their health in hand, you must eat better, but also move more.

The energy balance

With food, the organism receives a certain number of calories and some are spend by natural functioning (breathing, digestion) and our physical activity. The difference between energy intake and energy expenditure is what is called energy balance. To take their health in hand, you must eat better, but also move more.

Maintain its body

When not moving enough, we have the feeling of "rust". Our muscles, our joints and tendons need to work to stay flexible and toned.

It is by moving daily that we maintain our youth. Moving is also necessary for the heart, lungs, veins, immune system, digestion, hormones. For all our organs and functions related, exercise helps maintain the mechanical body, just like a car engine, it needs to run regularly.

Regular physical activity improves cardiac and respiratory functions. After a short walk, you feel your heart beating, you can breathe better, you feel more relaxed. Regular physical activity can increase muscle strength, improve flexibility, balance, coordination and postural tone.

It also strengthens the bones, thus contributing to the healthy growth of children and aging harmonious major (preventing osteoporosis). It increases resistance to stress and helps us to fight against fatigue.

Boost morale

Moving help you be aware of your body, to "recapture", and up hill your desire to care more. Moving can relax. It is an effective remedy against anxiety and depression.

Exert themselves physically improves sleep, you sleep better because you are more relaxed, but also because you have evacuated full of energy or stress. Physical activity can also offer new opportunities to meet friends or family and therefore promotes good mood. Moreover, physically active people are often happier.

To feel good about yourself, therefore, the first thing to do is move regularly.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


If you watched the football game of the Alouettes, you had a fine example of tenacity. I must admit to being stubborn for a period of 2 hours is not the end of the world, but it's still better than most professional sports teams who have not the heart to make an effort for 60 minutes. Anyway, what to remember is to always push until you get the expected final result.

Even if you do not succeed in reaching your goals, you have the satisfaction of having done your best and that is what is the most important. If you want to be inspire by a fine example of tenacity, think of the English people during the Second World War inspired by one of the greatest speeches of Sir Winston Churchill: "never never never never never never never never never give up."

Now, how to apply this kind of philosophy in the life of everybody in our daily life?
Do not believe that this type of behavior applies only in exceptional circumstances, this type of behavior applies in everything you do in your life. For example, if you have children and these children go to school, you definitely need a lot of tenacity to help and guide them throughout their studies. You understand that this toughness is difficult it is spread over several years, therefore you deserve to have a lot more merit for your tenacity than the sports teams.

Another example concerns almost everyone, is the energy and tenacity required to work or in your business. To earn a good living it takes a lot of energy and discipline. For those who decide to make a career in one field or another and to take positions with greater responsibility, it is definitely be very tough to follow the evolution of technologies, rapid changes and unexpected market and all rules dictated by government.

Do not idealize the achievements of people of notoriety. Look carefully at what you do every day and what you must assume as responsibility and you will notice that you show great tenacity. You're probably a good example for many others, for your children and some of your relatives.

Take time to appreciate the value of what you do and how you act every day. Maybe you do not make a quick glare as some people well known, but what you do every day is by far what is most remarkable of all exploits.

Ask yourself the right questions about your behavior and make a list of what you do with tenacity on a regular basis. You certainly deserve to hear the song every morning "we are the champions" from Queen rock band.

Monday, November 30, 2009


If you think to the future, are you the one doing those projects projections, dreams and try to organize your plans and actions to achieve them, or you are those who live in the anxiety about the future, bad news or unexpected that will change your life for the worse?
Many people are afraid of tomorrow, they are afraid of this day because they feel unprepared to cope with all situations. Be assured of one thing: no matter what you take as disposal to prepare for the worst, you will never be prepared enough to face whatever will happen in your life. If you think that in preparing to the extreme you can have peace of mind, you're probably able to see that you still worry now because you'll feel not sufficiently prepared.

I totally agree with preparing the future from a financial point of view, work, health, family, education and retirement, but there is a reasonable limit that is fairly easy to trace. Common sense has always been an excellent guide when we take time to fill with qualified people in each area.

We can’t predict everything that can happen in life and that's good. The pleasure of life consists of so many things and they are so interdependent, it is impossible and irrational to try to predict what might happen. The surprises, challenges, opportunities are the unique entertainment that surprise us those are beautiful moments that brighten our lives. These moments allow us to grow when we approach it with a positive and optimistic attitude.

When we took the decision to clear our mind on a daily base to recharge ourselves, no matter what happens to us, energy, creativity and hope come back within us and allow us to more easily cope with difficult situations and with better results. The effects of this exercise are incredible, some of them come through meditation, others through sports, others engaged in a hobby that absorbs completely. All these ways emptying the mind are effective, just to find yours.

If you think using drugs, alcohol or let you go to the extreme debauchery can help you forget your fears, your worries and problems, that you probably will succeed in making them worse and it is very likely that you will succeed in creating new, more painful and probably more difficult to solve.


Every day is unique, important and can be decisive for the rest of your life. It should not be taken lightly each day you are offered. If you manage to clear your mind regularly, you find that you more easily find solutions to your problems. What you will communicate much better with others, you'll be less inclined to get angry for unimportant events. You look at life with more optimism because you will be able to appreciate beautiful things and good moments of life, even if you're in a situation not easy to live. You have confidence in yourself and your hopes for a better life will only grow.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Your personal development

All aspects of personal development are important throughout your life. There is nothing worse than meeting someone "upstart", that is to say a person who has nothing to learn from anyone. The kind of person who has seen everything, known and rejects those that are not consistent with his words and his thinking. No matter who it is, it’s very distressing to have to endure this kind of specimen of mankind.

The challenge in personal development is to accept and face the fact that we must make changes when we are dealings with others, in the way we think, act and even the way we speak. It’s difficult to make these major changes if we did not have very good reasons to do so. You don’t decide to do personal development without reason. Of course, everyone wants to improve, but few people take action or even try to know what to improve and change accordingly.

Personal development is done on several aspects. Primarily, the development is on the personality, knowledge and physical appearance. All these aspects of yourself are part of your personality. Warning! Don’t think you should work on all aspects of your personality at the same time. First, who said you had to change at all in all? Your personal development is a business that happens between you and yourself. When you decide to invest in yourself, you do for your purpose, not for others, or else, otherwise your motivation will fly as fast as the clouds in a windy day.

Here are some simple examples of personal development for you to demonstrate that to successfully grow and improve it’s not necessarily a large project. Being at the forefront of his profession by reading daily journals on the subject, learning a new language by reading or by Internet, developing skills by enrolling speaker to organizations specialized in the field and are accessible by everyone (eg "Toastmaster"); practice a sport or exercise regularly to improve his fitness and physical appearance; regularly read books on positive thinking and attend seminars on the subject, turning to part-time study in an area that really interests you.

Several options are available and don’t underestimate the impact of these initiatives as simple and small they are. If you really want to improve and develop the person you are, celebrate your successes regularly because they are all important. You put effort and sometimes you let your ego at the door to success. Success often lies in action rather than result.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Stop living in the past

Despite all that you experienced in your life, all the success you've had, all the misfortunes that have hit you again and again, one thing you can be sure of is you can't change events and past results. It is quite unnecessary to return indefinitely on these events and wonder what you could have done differently to avoid some problems because you cannot change the past.

Be aware that living in the past is the best way to kill yourself slowly. Nostalgia is not a good feeling to regain energy and feel good. When we go back in the past, we tend to remember bad decisions and forget that most of our decisions were made based on the knowledge we had at that time and of course the emotion and desire moment that always takes precedence over logic.

I'm not saying this is not pleasant to remember the good times, but I sincerely believe that this is as far as he must go in the past. The present and future are far more interesting and much more energizing and exciting than the past. Moreover, the future should be seen as a party every day. Why? Given that the future always reserves surprises and like most people like surprises, so we should always consider the future as a party.

You believe that this approach is too simplistic? If you never tried to always live according to what you can achieve as a project for the future, to dream and concoct plans for successful projects, always consider failures as steps, you miss the most interesting and exciting part of the life.

Living is an adventure and adventures are sequences of events and surprises that require us to excel and to use our talents, our knowledge and imagination, as so aptly Albert Einsten, genius is nothing other than to let his imagination limitless. Be original that is to say, dare to indulge your imagination to address the events of your life with energy and creativity.

Be assured that you will live more intensely and you will be directed towards the future, your mind and your imagination will be used to make the most interesting and productive thing than you've ever done. You will be amazed at the energy produced by the dreams and drop the thoughts oriented toward the past.

I am well-aware of the daily repetitive obligations which are often too stultifying, but be aware that these obligations do not monopolize all your days and that each day you have enough free time to act like a (e) adventurer (e).

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A balanced life with the beloved

The relationship with the person you shares your life is unique. The beloved must be the most important person in your life, even children can’t have priority over that person. Activities (fields of interest) are vitally important if you have no activity or very little joint, you may lose you as a couple.

You must deal honestly and openly all matters of importance regarding the couple's vision of the future, the activities you most enjoy, that interest you, your sexual desires, your fantasies, your wildest dreams and your state of mind based on the life you live now.

You must have a relationship of complete trust with the loved one and this, in all areas of life. If your spouse is your best friend, there is good chance that your relationship is fun, exciting and even a little crazy and you'll always especially excited to see you again with your partner.

Whatever what is thinking the majority of people, I believe that married life should happen in this state of mind. If this is not the case, there are situations that are not clear between you. Otherwise, you do not share enough activities together. Never forget that humans almost always associated with people with similar interests and this also applies to your life partner, far more time progresses, the more you get away from the one another.

Make the point between you two very regularly, be honest and sincere. If your spouse is not your princess or prince charming of your first days, you must find the reasons that cause it. There is no reason for the flame diminishes between you, quite the contrary, it should shine more and stronger with time because you're supposed to change your relationship to a harmony unequaled.

It feels so good when the relationship with our spouse is simple, clear and without coercion. It is really easy to cope with life when life is smooth torque.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

How to face challenges of life

During our wonderful life we all face challenges of all kinds. These challenges are present in all facets of our lives, at work, in family, social activities finally everywhere.

Since the dawn of time we learn to face these challenges with optimism and confidence and a positive attitude even in challenging situations. Easy to write these words, but to face these challenges is not always easy. When it comes to really difficult situations we should not try to attempt to deal with these events without the help of trusted and professional people.
For example, if you have any challenges in the health field, there is good chance that you feel completely unprepared and that your concerns are very difficult to control. You'll be constantly worried, you will feel that the sky is falling on your head and will not succeed to get out of this situation without serious consequences.

To help you get through this challenges you must ask for help, support and never hide from others. The more people you have around you who have had similar experiences, the more you understand what you expect and the more you learn to control you even though you can not do anything to improve the situation.

I chose the field of health to show you how the simplest and most effective way to face the challenges in minimizing the negative effects in your daily life when you have to face this kind of situation because one day or another you will have to deal with different and difficult situations.

Whether challenges with finances, family, spouse, work, justice or any other type of challenges, you must never try to solve everything alone. The risk is too great to worsen the situation and to sink into negative feelings and depressing. You have to be surrounded by adviser you trust and people who have lived the same kind of situation you live.

Partnering with people of experience, competent and confidence will help you get through these challenges with greater ease and you will avoid most probably, a lot of problems and will work to prevent you from having recourse to loopholes such as alcohol, drugs, medications, gambling and excessive spending. These excessive behaviors are often observed in individuals who are experiencing very difficult times in their lives.

As we all do in these situations from time to time, don't be surprised to have these feelings of anxiety in such circumstances. Fortunately life is not a sequence of misfortune one after another. For most people, the moments of happiness are far more numerous than the times of calamities, therefore, always take with enthusiasm each day given to you to make a little magic of it.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Better world: Be nice to people

An article from : 19 September 2009 by Michael Bond

It sounds kind of obvious, and a little trite: the world would be a better place to live in if we were all a bit kinder to each other. But how can we make that happen?

This is fast becoming a valid scientific question. Psychologists and neuroscientists are exploring how to increase people's capacity for empathy and compassion, with two ongoing studies claiming that meditation not only increases compassionate feelings but also improves physical and emotional health.

But you don't have to be a Buddhist monk or an expert on brain plasticity to help increase global compassion. There is evidence that altruistic acts spread through social networks. In other words, if you are kind to a friend, they are more likely to be kind to someone else they know.

To demonstrate this, Nicholas Christakis of Harvard Medical School in Boston designed a cooperation game in which 120 students were organised into groups of four and asked to give money to their group. The game lasted five rounds, and after each round the students were reorganised so that no two appeared in the same group twice. The researchers told the participants at the end of each round how much the others in their group had given.

They found that generosity is infectious. If someone gave a dollar more than the predicted group average, the others in that group gave approximately 20 cents more than expected in the next round. This altruism persisted into the third round.

Christakis's team found in a separate study that cooperative behaviour spreads to three degrees of separation - from friend to friend to friend. So if you are popular and well connected, you could have a special role to play: your compassionate acts could resonate further through the network, and you are also more likely to benefit from other people's kindness.

Be aware of the impact you have on people who are in touch with you on these social networks. Of course, you can positively influence many people, but the opposite is also true. Be aware that you are now a person likely to influence many more people than you think. Are you aware?

Friday, November 20, 2009

What is your passion ?

Wow, passion, what a powerful feeling. Whenever we encounter a passionate person, you feel a nice energy to invade the space around us and we feels drawn to these people. Nothing more natural, we all like to be surrounded by energetic, positive, which sees life as an adventure.

I do not mean the fanatics, the hyperactive who only talk but never act and do nothing concrete in their lives. I'm talking about people who are really active, which are really productive for the community and have a positive impact on their families.

What is your passion which excite you, that fills you with energy, which pushes you to go further and think outside your comfort zone?

When wedares to invest and actually get involved in what interests us it is not difficult to get up in the morning. We can not wait to wake up to enjoy the pleasure and welfare given by passion. When I mean passion you should understand that I do not want to talk about problem gamblers and people who have addictions to drugs and other habits that have destructive effects on individuals. I mean anything that amuses you, makes you creative, you can help others, contribute to society or to advance a social or environmental cause.

Life is really short to realize his dreams and enjoy millions of interesting things to do and see. It is therefore important not to waste his time complaining to wait after the other to get ahead in life and especially should not put his energy into negative activities and destructive behaviors.

Fans raise the world and the skeptics hang down. This little phrase simply means that the madness of passion allows the human race to evolve, while the others are doing everything they can to stop us from going further.

Are you a passionate person? If so, share your passion with others, if not, delve deep within your heart and dare to live your passions.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Time for Kids - The holidays - Time to share

What a beautiful time of the year as the holiday season. The Santa Claus Parade (since 1905 in Canada in Toronto and Montreal 1925), decoration of shops and department stores and of course all illuminated residences.

What about these holidays songs, all these singers and these improvised shows up in color, sound and light that illuminates our hearts and put us in a good mood. No matter how old you are, the magic of the holiday is really enchanting and pleasant.

There is no need for spending to enjoy the magic of this time of year, simply go outside, walk, take the time to listen, watch and share. Take the time to live gently in the madness of beauty open your heart to those who need you, people who have forgotten to remember their child's heart and marvel at what this beautiful frenzy the holiday season is.

In this period of economic austerity and crisis pandemic you must take a pause and appreciate what you have, what you are and all that is offered toy ou and your families. The art of loving life is to appreciate the present moment and people around you.
Open your heart and be attentive to the people you hang out regularly. Do not take for grant your spouse, your friends, your children, your parents and enjoy every moment with all this little world of your life.

If you want to fill your heart with joy, here is the ulttime the most effective way to get there.
Indeed, helping people who are really in need is what give us the more happiness and satisfaction, Why? Simply because when we do this, we know that we have absolutely nothing in return and the person we're helping will appreciated it at the highest point. We know that we are part of something great and that our small action could drastically change the lives of the people we help. The best part about all this is that we do so without any expectations and that we put our heart because we do for good reasons, that is to say, love.

You want to teach your children to share? Nothing could be easier, simply involve them in your approach and be certain that what you do is by far the best way to teach something to your children. Never forget that your children will do what you do and not what you say!

Even if we live in an age of madness, the fact remains that we are fortunate to live in a very special environment with a lifestyle unmatched on this planet. Let's be generous and open to those in need.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Social inclusion for young people in difficulty

For too many young adults, life is not always easy. Many of these young people simply can not find a solution to meet their needs independently.

Fortunately, there are agencies that offer practical solutions in which they allow these young, often 18 to 30 years to develop new skills and find a place in this society.

It should be understood that many of these young people must earn their living and they must learn a profession. Moreover, these young people lack the financial means to pay for studies in special schools to be successful in obtaining training in a shorter period than traditional training. For these young people to rush through life with the hope of living well, it is essential to provide adequate training with real opportunities to find a good job.

Here is a great example that will inspire many of us, in addition to providing quality products at really affordable prices.

A social insertion company that provides services assembly, update and computer repair. We sell new and second hand computers.

An efficient company involved in the field of social economy

Insertech is a social insertion company that works in the field of computers. Since 1998 we’ve been helping young adults with a low educational level or battling personal problems, to enter the labour market and regain control of their lives.

These young adults occupy different positions in the company, working under the supervision of qualified technicians. During the training period – which has a 6 months duration - the program’s participants carry out different tasks that allow them to identify their fields of interest and help them find quality jobs.

Over 40 young adults complete our training program every year. Insertech’s results are very impressive: over 90% of the participants of the insertion program find a job or return to their studies. This exceptional result demonstrates the motivation of the program’s participants and the quality of the training they receive.

Our non profit organization is directed by an administrative council integrated by members who come from different areas: Business and administration, Education and Social Development. The president of the council is Mr. Gérald Larose.

A social purchase that protects the environment

Insertech Angus produces 6000 computers per year, including new and refurbished equipment. These computers are distributed to schools and non profit organizations at a very low cost, or are sold to private companies and particular clients. In 2002, we launched the first "social" computer brand of North America: Insertech Angus became a registered computer trademark.

They offer a powerful and reliable product, assembled with Intel® processors and components of excellent reputation.

Our clients purchase quality products and at the same time they give a second chance in life to our young workers.

In addition, through the computer refurbishing process, Insertech contributes to sensitize people about the importance of protecting our environment.

Take a look at the website and you will discover treasures you will surely delights.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The cries from the heart of aid agencies to needy

The crying need of aid agencies to the poor is larger than life in this time of economic crisis. Not only the number of donors has decreased, but the amount of donations has also decreased. Obviously, with this time of sorrow and sharp economic slowdown, the number of people in need has increased significantly. Therefore, negative impact on the quantities of food available to meet the needs are great.

How can we help these organizations?

Of course there is the most effective way is to make a cash donation to enable agencies to make necessary purchases. However, when you donate, it is important to learn about available payment options. You can do this by credit card, by monthly payment, participating in activities, etc..

I'll be a little more specific in my comments, I'll talk about the Montreal area. The most effective way to help the poor is through Members are regularly supplying nearly 200 organizations that provide food and nutritional support for people in need.

There are also several accommodation agencies that must be supported by community and by business people. Do not forget that all aid agencies to the poor are always in need of funding, resources and materials of all kinds. Take a few moments of your life to determine how you can help one of these agencies in one way or another. Make a visit to the website of the charity of your choice and see how you can participate in supporting these people who need help.

Very important notes

Whatever your current situation, always remember that life is sometimes surprising and you're never safe from the unexpected that can propel you at speeds unheard of among the people in need. Probably your situation will be temporary, but when this happens you will understand that these organizations will be essential and will help you meet your basic needs and find support for yourself regain control and become independent.

Do not judge those who need help from these organizations in one way or another.

When you see a helpless person in the street, make your imagination go and scroll down in your mind the scenario of the life of this person. Did he dream one day to live this life of misery, of course not. When she was still a child, what were the dreams of that person's, ambitions and how has it been encouraged and supported to achieve these dreams. You understand that we cannot believe that the current situation of each of these people is absolutely not fulfilling their childhood dream.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Environment, who should take care ?

The environment, a topical issue, a reality that must be taken in hand now. Who should deal with it ? The answer is simple, everyone, but what shall we think of the behavior of world leaders with conflicting discussion that delay significantly agreements and concrete actions, which should help the planet to catch his breath.

The economic crisis has severely shaken the whole green initiatives resulting as the main priority of nations is now almost exclusively on the economy, employment and health. So even if the environment is considered a major issue for the entire planet, it has considerably lost its momemtum, because the financial benefits to act in harmony with the environment in the longer term, therefore, these initiatives do not meet the requirements to meet urgent economic needs, following the collapse of the global economy.

In fact, initiatives and business projects that are environmentally friendly or resolve an environmental problem are the real culprits of the momentum of the environmental movement. The community has always been the more powerful leverage do force national leaders to act no matter the field. As soon as the community begins to move and act toward a specific goal, governments have no choice but to get involved, otherwise they will be caught in a non stop media storm.

Whether you're a small businessman, a citizen, a large company or a mega company, everybody should act. Do not wait until governments, our lives are in danger, our lifestyle, our quality of life and even our safety is at stake. When nature is unleashed, it is merciless, it is extremely violent and is of a magnitude that usually exceeds our imagination.

I do not want to be alarmist, the alarm has already sounded, I just want to tell you that this is not the time to ask if it's time. We must act now and make important decisions about your lifestyle associated with the environment. If your life habits affect the environment, you must change, you must shake the cage of those who can help you to change and must respond effectively to this daily threat daily, the new reality of this century .

Consider some simple examples. The packaging, buy products that have almost no packaging. For products that are exaggerated or unnecessary packaging, take 5 minutes and let them know by writing to the company that you will never be a customer if they don't want to act as responsible corporate towards the environment and security of mankind. If you can not dispose of your waste in a city that does not bother to make the recovery at all levels, let them know what you want and you will see that if everyone put it, the elected will have no choice but to act.

Contractors should act now and create working groups with their employees and have a green project that can always act as a responsible company. People like to be part of projects that deliver results and is beneficial to the community, it is characteristic of the man wanting to help his community if he is given the means.

Do not look for of magic solutions to reduce your carbon footprint. Do some research online and you will find tons of little tricks, associations and recipes that help you take action NOW. Whatever the size of your actions, act now and do not underestimate the mass effect is really the recipe for the most powerful results quickly.

Friday, November 13, 2009


Is it worse torture than wait? Waiting until after a medical diagnosis, waiting for a response from a future employer, to wait after a call from your future lover, waiting for a latecomer that could make you lose a golden opportunity, the aircraft, an important appointment or a place in a cinema or a restaurant.

In short, waiting is an emotion that creates anxiety that we all hate and acts instantly on our imagination. From the moment the waiting begins, a negative scenarios snaps our imagination. Whether a person is regarded as imaginative or not, our imagination is unparalleled. The wildest scenarios go through our head and invade our bodies.

The invasion of the body is real, we feel the negative effects of different scenarios that we mentally go through and worse, we forget that what we imagine, is not real, that it is only possible consequence and not the reality. In summary, we become paranoid for a short time. However, this brief moment of anguish takes a long time to unwind.

When we mean by short moments we can talk about a few seconds to a few weeks. Of course, over the long wait, the more anxiety may worsen and can become terribly difficult to bear. A number of people can not afford these waiting times without medical help and it's a disaster when it comes to such a degree of anxiety.

How to control his anguish in such cases?

Existential question you ask, of course, it is not easy to find ways that meet all cases. However, failing to find an ultimate solution or all solutions for all types of anxiety, we can certainly reduce the intensity and thereby effects.

To get there is not enough to have a positive attitude that makes the neighborhood and everyone aroud youmad . The positive attitude is definitely required, but let's be serious, pragmatic above all, it is necessary to behave consequently with our personality, otherwise we simply acting against nature and especially we do not believe for one second that this behavior will be beneficial.

What I propose is quite simple, first, take an easy approach and quick to use, I propose a solution that works beautifully for me and that is really amazingly simple and you've probably heard thousands of times, here it is:

Take a piece of paper and make three columns, one with the scenario you just imagined, the second column with the consequences of this scenario and the last column the feelings it provokes in you. Simple, very simple but really effective. First, this frees your brain simply to write and organize your thoughts, you free your mind, you do not have to think you just read.

Secondly, during the time you take this information to scribble on a piece of paper, you focus on one topic, so you avoid imagine other scenarios that would accumulate over it. At least, the risk of accumulation is significantly reduced while you exercise to put this script on paper.

Besides, it is likely that some of your negative feelings caused by this scenario is the feelings that you can hardly explain. Since writing is an exercise that is very long when compared to the thought, generally avoids unnecessarily writing and attempting to go to basics, to what is really important and relevant. The act of writing forces us to be more rational in developing these scenarios and consequences.

Have you ever tried this method ? If so, I would like to know what you think.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

How to report a situation without negative criticism

As we live in a totally imperfect world, the opportunities are endless to criticize and from the point of view of almost everyone they often take appearance of negligence, omission or just bad faith.

So, how to report a situation without negatively criticize the situation, event or behavior?

In fact, it's not that complicated to do it, but it is more difficult to control the inner emotion that invaded us and brings us to profane negative criticism, spiteful and especially who do not bring solution or at least of ideas being considered to find a solution.

Controlling our emotion is the hardest thing to do in these situations. Since television is present in every home and that journalists give their personal views without ever offering a solution (or rarely), viewers do the same thing. The influence of repeated daily behaviors, inevitably affects and  influence most people, which in turn reproduce the same behavior.

This finding will seem simplistic, I admit, however, we must not forget that we are easily influenced, especially when we are exposed daily to these behaviors. Anyway, the most important thing is to learn how to report situations that upset you, but without falling into the systematic destruction.

We must learn to identify what may be the basis for proposing suggestions for improvement or change by providing clear and practical evolutionary aspect of these new solutions or changes. It is not necessary to tear down to rebuild, it is possible to change things positively if not denigrate what had been done before, thus avoiding conflicts and closed reactions from concerned ersons . Usually you have to put in the context timely to understand why certain decisions were taken, which explains choices that were made at the time.

Of course, this approach does not apply to all situations, but daily it applies to many situations, especially those to which you are exposed and directly affecting your lives. The situation with your family, your workplace, your leisure environment and the community in general. If you can develop this type of approach to improve the elements of your environment, there are good chances that the results are more effective than they were before with the recipe of destructive criticism.

Tell me what you think and how you do it to do.