It is through the small things we do that we learn, not the big things

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


If you watched the football game of the Alouettes, you had a fine example of tenacity. I must admit to being stubborn for a period of 2 hours is not the end of the world, but it's still better than most professional sports teams who have not the heart to make an effort for 60 minutes. Anyway, what to remember is to always push until you get the expected final result.

Even if you do not succeed in reaching your goals, you have the satisfaction of having done your best and that is what is the most important. If you want to be inspire by a fine example of tenacity, think of the English people during the Second World War inspired by one of the greatest speeches of Sir Winston Churchill: "never never never never never never never never never give up."

Now, how to apply this kind of philosophy in the life of everybody in our daily life?
Do not believe that this type of behavior applies only in exceptional circumstances, this type of behavior applies in everything you do in your life. For example, if you have children and these children go to school, you definitely need a lot of tenacity to help and guide them throughout their studies. You understand that this toughness is difficult it is spread over several years, therefore you deserve to have a lot more merit for your tenacity than the sports teams.

Another example concerns almost everyone, is the energy and tenacity required to work or in your business. To earn a good living it takes a lot of energy and discipline. For those who decide to make a career in one field or another and to take positions with greater responsibility, it is definitely be very tough to follow the evolution of technologies, rapid changes and unexpected market and all rules dictated by government.

Do not idealize the achievements of people of notoriety. Look carefully at what you do every day and what you must assume as responsibility and you will notice that you show great tenacity. You're probably a good example for many others, for your children and some of your relatives.

Take time to appreciate the value of what you do and how you act every day. Maybe you do not make a quick glare as some people well known, but what you do every day is by far what is most remarkable of all exploits.

Ask yourself the right questions about your behavior and make a list of what you do with tenacity on a regular basis. You certainly deserve to hear the song every morning "we are the champions" from Queen rock band.