It is through the small things we do that we learn, not the big things

Thursday, December 17, 2009

To devote time in his life

Allowing time for yourself, the beautiful promise! Between your family, work, social life, your love and your many concerns, how much spare time do you have to yourself to do something that pleases you and makes you good, but without feeling guilty? How to say "no" to others and to say "yes" to ourself?

In today's society it is not difficult to be invaded by the countless distractions and the many obligations of all kinds. This life is so hectic that in many cases we forget to think about ourself. It is too easily buried in the countless activities without even realizing it.

Yet we all know it is very important to think about ourselves, not to get caught up in the game of being too busy.How is it possible not to pay more attention to yourself? Yet we all know that we are the most important person in our lives.

The challenge is to strike a balance between time spent on our too many commitments and our personal needs. Quite a challenge, I admit it! There is no blueprint that would suit all. The way to achieve this balance is unique to each person, because every life context is different.

To give time for yourself and say no to external demands is a process filled with many pitfalls. We have great difficulty in agreeing the right to place ourselves at the center of our priorities.

For example, for mothers of young children is a particularly demanding challenge! The fact remains that it is your responsibility to identify your needs and fill them without waiting for permission and approval of your surroundings.

Easy to say and difficult to do because of guilt. Your children will not fare worse if two evenings a week, dad is taking care of bathroom and sunsets while the mother goes to her aerobics classes. In fact, they will be better, even if they are reluctant at first. Give them an example of a mother and a wife who takes care of her. Remember that often the most pressure comes from yourself and not others.

To ease your busy schedule, it is likely that you need to remove something. To get there more easily, looking to pursue an activity you like. The activities they really love more easily become a priority as they consider a chore.

To do this, do not hesitate to try different activities until you find one you lit. Also, it is good to go slowly for you tame and you gradually escape from the guilt you into realizing that the consequences for others are less difficult than you apprehend.

How will you really spend time in your life? What are the things that interest you and are really very beneficial for you?