It is through the small things we do that we learn, not the big things

Monday, December 7, 2009

A beautiful celebration of the centennial of the Montreal Canadien

It's already quite a few years that I am not anymore interested in professional team sports, but I really wanted to attend this special celebration that has thrilled my heart in a beautiful way.

A did have a nice feeling of nostalgia to remind me that this team has represented the French Canadian or Quebecois (depending on your political beliefs) we are. The team that made us dream when we were little boy.

To look at these legends that when they were active players gave themselves body and soul to their sport that was their way to express their personalities and the people they represented. At that time we could feel that they played with passion and conviction and that's what positively affected us with through emotions.

The ceremony was simple and at the image of people who took part of it. Emotion and  recognition where honored throughout the ceremony and this has always been the class of this unique team in the world of sport.

The Montreal Canadiens were one of the greatest achievements of successful French Canadians until the late 70s. Since then we've succeeded as a distinct people to get several other highly successful in the business world, in countless cultural achievements and several discoveries in many of the technological world.

I am not someone who likes to return to the past because life happens going forward, but when attending an event like this with all those winners and passionate people on the same platform, it is difficult not to understand that success is a history of heart and work.

Thank you to this incredible organization and all those guys who give us those beautiful moments that made me dream so often.