It is through the small things we do that we learn, not the big things

Monday, November 30, 2009


If you think to the future, are you the one doing those projects projections, dreams and try to organize your plans and actions to achieve them, or you are those who live in the anxiety about the future, bad news or unexpected that will change your life for the worse?
Many people are afraid of tomorrow, they are afraid of this day because they feel unprepared to cope with all situations. Be assured of one thing: no matter what you take as disposal to prepare for the worst, you will never be prepared enough to face whatever will happen in your life. If you think that in preparing to the extreme you can have peace of mind, you're probably able to see that you still worry now because you'll feel not sufficiently prepared.

I totally agree with preparing the future from a financial point of view, work, health, family, education and retirement, but there is a reasonable limit that is fairly easy to trace. Common sense has always been an excellent guide when we take time to fill with qualified people in each area.

We can’t predict everything that can happen in life and that's good. The pleasure of life consists of so many things and they are so interdependent, it is impossible and irrational to try to predict what might happen. The surprises, challenges, opportunities are the unique entertainment that surprise us those are beautiful moments that brighten our lives. These moments allow us to grow when we approach it with a positive and optimistic attitude.

When we took the decision to clear our mind on a daily base to recharge ourselves, no matter what happens to us, energy, creativity and hope come back within us and allow us to more easily cope with difficult situations and with better results. The effects of this exercise are incredible, some of them come through meditation, others through sports, others engaged in a hobby that absorbs completely. All these ways emptying the mind are effective, just to find yours.

If you think using drugs, alcohol or let you go to the extreme debauchery can help you forget your fears, your worries and problems, that you probably will succeed in making them worse and it is very likely that you will succeed in creating new, more painful and probably more difficult to solve.


Every day is unique, important and can be decisive for the rest of your life. It should not be taken lightly each day you are offered. If you manage to clear your mind regularly, you find that you more easily find solutions to your problems. What you will communicate much better with others, you'll be less inclined to get angry for unimportant events. You look at life with more optimism because you will be able to appreciate beautiful things and good moments of life, even if you're in a situation not easy to live. You have confidence in yourself and your hopes for a better life will only grow.