It is through the small things we do that we learn, not the big things

Friday, November 20, 2009

What is your passion ?

Wow, passion, what a powerful feeling. Whenever we encounter a passionate person, you feel a nice energy to invade the space around us and we feels drawn to these people. Nothing more natural, we all like to be surrounded by energetic, positive, which sees life as an adventure.

I do not mean the fanatics, the hyperactive who only talk but never act and do nothing concrete in their lives. I'm talking about people who are really active, which are really productive for the community and have a positive impact on their families.

What is your passion which excite you, that fills you with energy, which pushes you to go further and think outside your comfort zone?

When wedares to invest and actually get involved in what interests us it is not difficult to get up in the morning. We can not wait to wake up to enjoy the pleasure and welfare given by passion. When I mean passion you should understand that I do not want to talk about problem gamblers and people who have addictions to drugs and other habits that have destructive effects on individuals. I mean anything that amuses you, makes you creative, you can help others, contribute to society or to advance a social or environmental cause.

Life is really short to realize his dreams and enjoy millions of interesting things to do and see. It is therefore important not to waste his time complaining to wait after the other to get ahead in life and especially should not put his energy into negative activities and destructive behaviors.

Fans raise the world and the skeptics hang down. This little phrase simply means that the madness of passion allows the human race to evolve, while the others are doing everything they can to stop us from going further.

Are you a passionate person? If so, share your passion with others, if not, delve deep within your heart and dare to live your passions.