It is through the small things we do that we learn, not the big things

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Being free, the dream of man since time immemorial. Being free is the dream of everyone living on earth, regardless of location, social class and its political and religious allegiances. Free from what you say? Free of coercion, all that prevents you from becoming the person of your dreams, free to experience what you want to live and discover the world. The concept of freedom is so large and so different from one person to another. The myriad elements that influence our lives, our choices have a direct impact on our freedom.

Even if we all live on the same planet, living conditions vary greatly from place to place and the living conditions directly affect our freedom. It’s very difficult for a person to flourish in an environment of war, famine, repression, lawlessness and dictatorship. The concept of freedom for these people is probably very different from people living in an environment of peace, abundance, where the right of speech is respected and that opportunities are not limited to the whims of small groups of individuals.

Access to freedom is undoubtedly the goal of almost everyone on this planet, whatever the meaning of freedom for each of us. The most important thing is we all have choices and can make our own decisions on how we live. Our ultimate goal is to stop being dictated by everyone and live without the constraints that make us anxious and vulnerable.

When we were teenagers, the bulk of our energy was spent to find a way to do what we wanted, without being controlled by our parents, schools, police, our friends, our neighbors or any other person in authority. Once in the adult world, we realize that things are much alike, but in other forms.