It is through the small things we do that we learn, not the big things

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Be honest with yourself

In life the development of his personality is gradually and is generally for the better, at least with yourself. There are several events that cause us feelings sometimes negative, sometimes positive, but rarely reacted with indifference to what surrounds us. This is the main reason why you must learn to know yourself and especially to be honest with yourself. Be careful not to underestimate, it is the danger of the recall, because often we tend to compare ourselves to others, which is really the last thing to do. Why? When we compare to others, we compare our weaknesses with the strengths of others and inevitably the gap between the two is exaggerated.

I simply mean to agree to face reality in the face, do not rationalize the situation, that is to say, irrational excuses, we must carefully determine what you do, why you do and what you want to do better. From the moment you have identified clearly where you are and what you want, you've done the long way the most difficult and emotionally demanding, that is to say, one to look the truth in many face to finally find solutions.

It sounds simple, but too few people dare to do, most people think their life situation is acceptable, but when you talk to them, they have no spark in their eyes when discussing of their they life, what they do and their projects. They seem to live on a treadmill that goes nowhere without panoramic, without challenge and does not require them to excel and use their real intellectual and physical capabilities.

The subject is very wide and is dotted with exceptional situations, but tell me what you think, I am very curious to find out your views, learn what you live, you feel and what you do to go to a true awareness with yourself?