It is through the small things we do that we learn, not the big things

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A balanced life - Work

Work is health! Until recently, I did not understand that expression. I finally realized it was more mental health than physical health. When a person feels less useful to society or his family, it becomes easily depressed and anxious. When it comes to work, it simply means, feel useful and that the fruit of our efforts are useful and responsive to one or several needs in our living environment.

It's as simple explanation, but so important. The reason I explained this expression is that for many, work is a requirement for earning a living and generate income. Of course basically it's the first reason we are working. But how to stay motivated if you work only for money? You can’t stay motivated for long, there will come a time when your presence in your work is only by financial obligation. When that time comes and believe me, it happens very early in your career, you will find every reason possible and imaginable to try to go away and do something else.

No matter what you do for a living, the most important is to understand the value of your work and do whatever it takes to perform well. Don't be influenced by the attitude of others, your work ethic is what is most important. Even if you produce twice as much as your fellow workers and you are paid the same salary, it does not matter. If you give the best of yourself, you give value to your work, you'll feel really good and it is likely that this performance will be noticed and appreciated by your superiors or customers.

Generally, people offering very good performance without supervision have significant advantage when the time comes for promotions or special requests in terms of holidays, holiday accommodation or special situation. Be the employee that you wish to employ and you want in your team and it is very likely that sooner or later some great opportunities will arise by themselves.

In doing so, you will feel good about your job, you'll want to go at work because you know the outcome of your work is useful and meets a specific need. You'll be at peace with yourself knowing that you truly give a good performance. When our mind is clear, it is easier to have a balance in his life, since we did not worry about the repercussions to come as opposed to those not performing as they should.