It is through the small things we do that we learn, not the big things

Monday, February 1, 2010

The road of life is sometimes a little fuzzy!

What a beautiful way to express, for most people a constant feeling. There was a time during the last century (much of the century) where it was not hard to make its game plan to face life. For men it was simply to find a job in a big company to find a spouse who was pleasant in the same social class, have children and participate in some volunteer activities o finally arrive at retirement peacefully!

For women, it was to find a working spouse, with a sense of responsibility and family, having children, watching over them and ensure that children are always well dressed and are fed properly. In addition, women should make sure to keep the house clean, in order to ensure that the spouse is not obliged to participate in housework and childcare.

Obviously you sketch a little smile with this little syllabus on the planning of the life of the time because it was certainly not so simple.

Why is it so difficult today to find the path that we want to take in life?
The answer is very simple because the number of paths is incalculable. We have so many choices, so many opportunities that we are simply stunned by this whirlwind of choice.

Why make a choice?
During your life, most of you will not make a single choice, but several choices. Along the way, several events outside your control, will force you to make choices in spite of you will. In many cases you will have to make these choices without really being prepared, simply because most of the circumstances of life are unpredictable.

There is no recipe to make good choices, there is the experience, circumstances and luck. Life is never black or white, it is gray and shades vary daily. Do not look for perfection and do not be afraid to make mistakes. The worst mistake is to stand still and let things go. If you do this, all decisions will be taken by others and be assured that most of these decisions will not be in your favor.

Accept the fact that life is a blur standing
Do not be afraid of uncertainty, because everything is not 100% clear, do not forget that this gives us some leeway to change things during the journey. Indeed, we can do it the same way that we avoid the obstacles and we adapt our behavior on the road, we can do the same thing with our lives.

When rules are too rigid and plans too perfect it is failing to ignore the particularities of each human being, the situation surrounding, the new knowledge that change the order of things. The vagueness of the road of  life is what allows us to grow up, learning to cope with adversity in spite of ourselves and is what makes life so exciting.

Unfortunately there are always tragic events that can really affect your life very negatively, but will you stay hidden all your life trying to avoid the inevitable?